Aurora rising

Aurora Rising

[[ The Aurora Cycle ]] [Book:: 1], Followed by Aurora Burning

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Star student Tyler Jones finds a wrecked [[ Starship|starship ]] which contains a single survivor. The ship was one of earths first colony ships and the survivor is Aurora, who has the same name as the military organisation Tyler studies/works for - the Aurora Legion and Aurora Academy. A stranger then encourages Aurora to become a stowaway on Tyler and his crews ship, where she continues to have visions of the future. As the story develops Aurora continues to develop her mind powers as she learns she is, or is inhabited by, an Eshveren (?) which is providing her with powers. Over the course of the book the main crescendos are stealing a star map from a thug lord and the loss of one of the crewmembers Cat during combat. During which they become interstellar fugitives


The [[ Audiobook|audiobook ]] was a pleasure to listen to being fully cast. However, I do not believe that the title was as good as the previous series [[ The Illuminae Files ]], which shares some cast members. Some of the plot lines were thin, for instance the reveal that the lead GIA operative (Princeps) was Auroras father. As well as some of the themes being blatant and over-used - such as Aurora’s constant homesickness and some of the romance themes. Some of the characters felt underrepresented, such as Zila, with only hints at her background and thought processes (though this is addressed in the second book, Aurora Burning) Also the background for Aurora is weird, being Irish-Chinese. Maybe this is supposed to hint at a more united world in this time period where people have ‘intermixed’ and become more united in the process - but it fell a bit flat for me.

#book/scifi #book/teen [Type:: Book] [Authors:: “Amie Kaufman”, “Jay Kristoff”] [Rating:: 7/10] [Length:: 14 hours]

[Book|book](../Book "Book"): ../Book "Book" Aurora Burning: "Aurora Burning" [//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"

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