Waxed canvas

Waxed Canvas

Created = this.file.ctime
Updated = this.file.mtime

Waxed canvas is a cotton based canvas that is imbued with wax in order to provide strength and waterproofing. It will also patina over use similar to a [[ Leather|leather ]].


  1. Melt two parts [[ Parrafin Wax ]] and one part [[ Bees Wax ]] over low heat. Keep warm.
  2. On an iron safe surface, set down a towel.
  3. Fold your canvas in half and place on the towel.
  4. With an iron set to high heat with no steam, iron a section of canvas until warm.
  5. Brush wax onto the canvas with a wide painting brush.
  6. Using baking paper, iron over the section until paper does not stick.
  7. Repeat across the entire surface, separating the folded canvas occasionaly.
  8. Flip the canvas over and repeat for other side.
  9. Unfold canvas and touch up any parts that did not get enough wax or where wax has not absorbed into the canvas.


  • A portable induction cooker and saucepan is great for melting wax, especially as you can lift the pot off of it to get it closer to the section you are working on.
  • The towel is destroyed in this process and can not be washed.
  • You can use cardboard box material to cover a table to make it iron safe.

[Type:: Seedling]

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