Digital Garden


The general premise of a digital garden is that Notes require consistent attention to become something greater - they should be revisited and curated over time. In many ways the anologies to a real [[ Garden ]] are plentiful.

Notes should be atomic, that is, pertaining to only one concept, numerous and thoroughly linked into a web to other notes.

How do the stages work?

ðŸŒą Seedling

These are notes that have typically just been created or are sporadic thoughts at best.

ðŸŠī Plant

Once notes have reached some level of maturity and are linked to at least a couple of other notes, they will be moved to this stage.

ðŸŒģ Tree

Finally, particularly well linked and fleshed out pages will become trees.

Here I believe it is important to note that not all notes will, or should grow through the stages. Much like how in a real garden, not every plant will become a tree.


Maggie Appleton has a great essay on digital gardening on her own site. Ness Labs has an overview of digital gardening here.


Notes mentioning this note

Here are all the notes in this garden, along with their links, visualized as a graph.

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