
Why take notes?

In any [[ Presentation ]] I do, I always like to start with a Why should I care? slide. I believe this approach is important for many things, but also notes. Perhaps the more pertinent question is why am I taking these at the moment?

I believe there is a value to coalescing knowledge in this way, into something that is more than a sum of it’s parts. When taking notes in [[ Highschool ]] and my Bachelor of Science I would do a brain-dump of whatever lecture I was in at the time and would never look back - they were an incoherent mess and not very helpful outside of remembering the content for the next [[ Exam ]]. I regret this deeply, because it has meant that I have had to relearn the same material and content several times over.

Why publicise them?

This is a question that I ask myself far too often when doing these. It is made even more interesting by the fact that I do not believe that I will ever willingly share this site with anyone I know (though, I suppose, this may change). I think in some ways, the idea that these could be read by someone else provides a motivation to write in more detail than I perhaps otherwise would - ultimately this serves me when I more than likely forget the details. However, there are challenges with this methodology. If I want to write something deeply personal, or my thoughts on someone (like a [[ Farley File ]]) - should I make these public? The first example I am more inclined to say yes to - but the second is a conundrum. If I say something negative about someone, they have surely deserved it. But what if they end up reading it? What if it upsets them? Does it even matter? These I have not come up with a good answer for.


Notes mentioning this note

Here are all the notes in this garden, along with their links, visualized as a graph.